What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care THE OPPORTUNITIES IN DISRUPTION COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the social contract 54% between employees and employers. Perhaps more than ever before, it will matter to our people (and customers) whether we of respondents say how demonstrate the desire and the ability to put the safety of employees companies treat their workers is the most important thing and communities first. Providing psychological and physical safety they want to hear from businesses and brands during should be the minimum standard for preparing employees to return, the COVID-19 pandemic whether it’s to an office, a factory line or a retail outlet. Benenson Strategy Group, The Pulse of America: National Omnibus Study, March 2020. Leading the workforce 2

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