What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care The opportunity to The pandemic has taught us WHAT COVID-19 build resilience much that we wouldn’t have TAUGHT US ABOUT likely otherwise discovered about OURSELVES As we emerge in varying stages ourselves, our coworkers, our from COVID-19, reimagining clients and our partners. We Employee well-being and the workplace is an opportunity have an opportunity to take the company well-being are more to change the way we engage lessons learned from what we’ve closely aligned than ever. our employees and teams and experienced up to this point and COVID-19 has reinforced the improve their experience of translate them into our founda- idea that resilient individuals our businesses and brands. It’s tional approaches to change. This make resilient organisations. important to reevaluate prior- renewed sense of business adap- ities, shift resources and track tation and innovation can carry Promoting well-being can help how well employees are adapt- us beyond this moment, setting prevent stress and create posi- ing. But it’s also crucial to see up companies, leaders, managers tive working environments where that this current crisis is a poten- and employees for a successful teams can thrive—even under tial turning point for competitive future. Today you’re helping pressure. We’re reminded that differentiation. Employees and employees build organisational when we empower and care for their work spaces, a relationship resilience in a pandemic. Tomor- people, they adapt and do that may have been transactional row that resilience will be there amazing things. We just have in nature before, could become when you tackle new business to give them the tools, time and a source of transformation, models, new skills development culture to succeed. enriching your brand and busi- in the face of automation and ness for years to come. new capabilities to thrive. “ We always had a collaborative culture and a supportive one. We are engaging our employees more than ever.” — Tracy Keogh, chief HR officer at HP, in an interview with CNBC Leading the workforce 3

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