What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care How to use this playbook This playbook is focused on the practical considerations that will help you successfully plan for bringing people back into the workplace and build resilience within your organisations to better manage future shocks. We’ll explore the work in three main sections. First we’ll examine what makes a place safe to work for employees, then we’ll reflect on how to show up as leaders and, finally, as managers. Leaders must clearly determine the way forwards and show up for the organisation as a whole, and managers must help leaders refine and operationalise by helping employees adopt, adapt to and sustain changes within your working model. What defines How to show up How to show up Nurturing a a safe place to as leaders as managers culture of care work? Making people your Bridging people and The importance of business change psychological safety Empathy and compas- Getting clarity on 6 keys to creating a sion for organisational employee needs psychologically safe resilience Pinpointing and environment Purpose and planning addressing resistance Safety in two main for future resilience Managing change modes What to keep in mind day by day The case for a long-term as you plan remote working model Leading the workforce 4

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