on skills 268 Ogilvy, Francis 110–11 Ogilvy, Herta 7, 263 as Ogilvy & Mather’s materfamilias 7 Ogilvy & Mather: and belief 62 and Big IdeaLs 60–1, 60 and Cadre system 98 and Cannes 98–101, 100, 101 Content Studios of 93–5, 94, 95 digital transformation of 7 and Guinness 68 Japan success of 217 and political advertising 192 Shanghai office of 248 Social Lab acquired by 172 social-media practice of 80 and 360-degree stewardship 137 and velocity 251 Ogilvy Noor 70–1 Ogilvy Pride 70, 70 (see also LGBTQ) Old Spice 103, 104–5, 104, 105 Oliver, Richard 34 Oreo 36–7, 36 Orkut 30 Ortega y Gasset, José 267 Oscar Mayer 109, 109 Owen, Clive 73 P