and US’s top-nation status 248 writing of 8 Ogilvy Change 238, 242, 244, 246 Ogilvy, David 7, 99, 100, 272 advertising giants chosen by, see advertising giants in digital age and art-vs-science debate 102 book of quotations of 266 branding speech of 240 centenary of 100, 100 “creativity” hated by 101 culture created by 266 death of 7 and direct marketing 10 and direct-response advertising 107, 122 and disintegration 136 film clip of 74 first advertising work of 106, 107 on foreign travel 200 4A speech of 23 on good causes 202, 205, 206 Greenberg favourite 213 “kingly” 228 on Letterman show 10 on life-assurance firms 185 on market research 247 on media 132 and Nisenholtz 223 and partnership syndrome 270 and political advertising 192