New York Times (NYT) 118, 221, 222 Newcombe, Zach 31 Nice 260 Nielson 178 Nigeria: disproportionate growth in 251 middle-class consumers in 252–3 Nike 54–5, 56, 212, 214–15, 214–15 The 9-Inch Diet (Porter, Bogusky) 233 Nisenholtz, Martin 220–3, 220 No Likes Yet 73 Nokia, first smartphone of 28 Norman, Don 153 NSFNET 28 NTT DOCOMO 28 nudging 197, 240–7 (see also brain and behaviour) NYPD 166, 166 O Obama, Barack 194, 194, 195, 197, 199, 241 Odagiri, Akira 216, 219 Ogilvy on Advertising (Ogilvy) 101, 132, 192, 202, 267, 272 advertising giants chosen by, see advertising giants in digital age and brands 54–5 cover of 10 favourite words in 40 first chapter of (“Overture”) 8, 11 and foreign travel 200 storming success of 8