MILLENNIALS ARE HARD WORKING, ENTREPRENEURIAL AND NOT AFRAID OF RISK Millennials are no longer faced with a simple career ladder – more like a game of snakes and ladders! They frequently make sideways shifts, take temporary breaks, and reach up and across to more technical challenges. When they fail, they dust themselves off and try another ladder. I admire both their effort and bravery; it must surely make for some interesting experiences along the way. Many of these views about Millennials, whether of merit or not, are influenced by perceptions of technology, and the impact it exerts on them. And here is the crux: a conflation of the digital revolution with the idea of generational change. But are they one and the same? In one sense, undoubtedly, yes. The great gift of the Digital Revolution is connectivity, and none have received it more than Millennials – or, to a larger extent, Centennials. The mobile phone is so important as the vehicle for digital access that lack or loss can produce identifiable anxiety syndrome. We all get it, but they get it worse. The statistics I love most come from a 2016 AT&T online survey of 2,000 US citizens asking what they would sacrifice instead of giving up internet access for the rest of their life. Forty per cent said they would rather lose the sight in one eye, and 30 per cent responded that they would rather chop off one of their fingers. Bravo!

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