McDonald’s 25, 261 MCI 28 Macintosh, launch of 27 McLuhan, Marshall 40 Madigan, Jamie 84 Maex, Dimitri 120, 122, 127 Magazine Luiza 190 Magids, Scott 186 magnetic content 77–82 (see also content) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 236 marketing automation 156, 156 Marlowe, Christopher 268 Marsden, Paul 186 Marti, Bernard 15, 15 Mashable 90 Mather & Crowther 110, 111 mattering 63, 64 media (see also social media): “dead” claim concerning 132 and Great Fragmentation 133 new, fragmented nature of 30, 34 old, and diminishing revenue 34 old, DO’s view of 132 planning, and “connections planning” 134 shifting landscapes of 132 from traditional to digital 17 Meipai 260 memes 79–80 MetLife 125 Mexico: