disproportionate growth in 251 middle-class consumers in 252–3 Microsoft 72 and ad-blocking software 29 middle-class consumers 251, 252–3 Miles, Steve 35, 44 Milk, Chris 88 Milko 226–7, 227 Millennials 46–53, 48, 50, 52–3 and Coke 93 and ethnicity 71 search behaviour among 138 Miller, George A. 244, 244 MindShare 132, 133 MINDSPACE 241, 242 MINI 229 Minitel 27 M-Kopa 261 MMG 28 mobile phones: in Africa 260 as battleground 174–80, 175, 177, 178, 180 and brands’ errors 181 enabling nature of 174 first words on 27 as new ad medium 174 retail landscape 177 Mockapetris, Paul 15, 15 Modi, Narendra 192–3, 192