INDEX (page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations and captions; the initials DO refer to David Ogilvy) A Aaker, David 54 A.C. Nelson 71 The Act of Creation (Koestler) 112 ad-blocking software 29 Addicks, Mark 114 Adidas 185, 187 29 advertising giants in digital age 210–35 Greenberg 210–16, 210 Kagami 216–20, 216, 218 Nisenholtz 220–3, 220 Palm-Jensen 224–8, 224 Porter 228–35, 228, 233 Aegis. 227 Africa, and mobile phones 260 AGA Cooker 107 Age of And 40, 150, 236, 264 Ainslie, George 246, 246 Airbnb 16, 17 Aldrich, Michael 27 Ali, Ben 193 Alibaba 257, 258, 260