Allianz 112 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 168–9, 168, 169 AltaVista, search engine of 28 Always 67 Amazon 161, 183 and disintermediation 21 and ecommerce growth 29 making most of 184 as one of digital “big three” 31 and price comparison 182, 183 rising sales of 28 Amazon Echo 87 American Express 62, 90, 91, 222 Amin, Salman 188–9 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 168–9 Anacin 102 The Anatomy of Humbug (Feldwick) 102, 102 Andreessen, Marc 15, 15, 211 Apple 174–6 Macintosh launched by 27 Apple Safari, and ad-blocking software 29 Arab Spring 193, 193 Arcade Fire 88, 89 Under Armour 66, 67 Armour bra 67 ARPANET 12, 26, 27 (see also internet) creation of and first message via 12 Arthur W. Page Society 57 AT&T 28, 48, 49, 173, 222 Audi 165, 165