B Baidu 257 Baldwin, Jerry 25 Bangladesh: disproportionate growth in 251 middle-class consumers in 252–3 and velocity 254 Banksy 108, 108 Baran, Paul 14, 14 Barneys 90 Barnum, P.T. 82 Bass, Saul 211 BAT 257, 258 Bates, Ted 13, 266 Battelle, John 137 Battersea Dogs and Cats Home 206 battlegrounds 164–91, 171 and continuous commerce 180–91, 181, 187 mobile phones 174–80, 175, 177, 178, 180 mobility 174–80 social media 164–73, 164, 165, 166, 167, 170, 171, 172 “The Beauty Inside” 116, 117 Beckham, David 169 Being Digital (Negroponte) 34 Benjamin, Jeff 234 Beowulf 80, 115, 115, 116, 117 Berger, Barndon 232 Berger, Jonah 78–9