Bernbach, Bill 13, 102, 213, 266 Berners-Lee, Tim 15, 15, 27 Bernhardt, Sarah 268 Bezos, Jeff 180 BFME 267, 268 Bhalla, Surjit 251 Bieber, Justin 162, 169 Big IdeaLs 44, 60–1, 60 Bildt, Carl 224–5 Blackshaw, Pete 35 Bland, Christopher 34 BMW 28, 72, 73, 143, 213, 231 Bo, Armando 146 Bogusky, Alex 230–4, 233 Bogusky, Bill 230 Bottle Rocket 159, 174, 176 Bowker, Gordon 25 Bowman, Jeff 71 brain and behaviour 236–47, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244–6, 247 and nudging, see main entry “Brand X believes . . .” 60 branded content 72–5 brands (see also individual brands): and Big IdeaLs 44, 60–1, 60 and China 263–5, 264 and content, see main entry crisis of 54 death of, as we know them 34 errors of, concerning mobile users 181