PICTURE CREDITS The publishers would like to thank the following sources for their kind permission to reproduce the pictures in this book: Here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Jack Boss. This illustration appeared in “Schenkerian-Schoenbergian Analysis and Hidden Repetition in the Opening Movement of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. here, No. 1,” Music Theory Online 5/1 (January 1999). It was authored by Jack Boss ([email protected]), with whose written permission it is reprinted here; here ©Joel Ralphson; here ©Miles Young; here ©SRI International, Image courtesy of SRI International; here ©SRI International, Image courtesy of SRI International; here & here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Airbnb; here ©Google; here ©Nest; here ©Luma Partners LLC 2017; here credit unknown; here ©Starbucks; here Chris Willson/Alamy Stock Photo; here ©Phillips; here ©Facebook; here ©Oreo; here ©John St.; here Copyright by The Young Turks, LLC; here ©Unilever; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Unilever; here ©Time Magazine; here ©AT&T; here ©Coca-Cola; here ©Prudential; here ©Prudential; here ©Johnnie Walker; here ©Toyota; here ©IBM; here © Unilever; here ©Coca-Cola; here ©Chiptole; here ©American Express; here ©Phillips; here ©P&G; here ©P&G; here ©Under Armour; here ©Honey Maid; here © Unilever; here ©Burger King; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©BMW; here ©UPS; here ©Red Bull here © SC Johnson; here ©Coca-Cola; here ©Europcar; here © Unilever; here ©UPS; here ©Chipotle Mexican Grill; here © Coca-Cola; here © Nestlé; here © Nestlé; here ©Nestlé; here ©Google; here ©Qualcomm; here ©Barneys New York; here ©American Express; here © Kimberly-Clark; here ©Ford Motor Company; here ©Nestlé; here ©Coca-Cola; here ©Mondelez; here ©Mondelez; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Dr. Robert Heath; here ©P&G; here ©P&G; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©P&G; here ©Oscar Mayer – Kraft Foods; here ©Steffen Billhardt Photography; ©Thomas Billhardt Photography); here ©Coca-Cola; here ©Getty Images; here ©AB Volvo/Forsman & Bodenfors; here ©AB Volvo/Forsman & Bodenfors; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Intel Corporation; here ©IBM; here Robert Lachman/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images; here ©Neil French; ©Tham Khai Meng; ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©IBM; here ©CNN Money; ©Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; here ©Babolat; here ©British Airways; here ©IBM; here ©Nestlé; here ©Qualcomm; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Bloomberg Business Week; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here Produced by Scott Brinker(@cheifmartec.com) here ©Ogilvy & Mather; here ©Mast-Jägermeister; here ©National German Centre for Health Information; here ©Monica Wisnlewska/Shutterstock.com; here ©Bottle Rocket; here

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