Patagonia’s commitment doesn’t waver even out in the wild. Its advertising simply restates the company’s firmly held beliefs and weaves together passion for the outdoors, demand for high-performance gear, and concern for the environment – resulting in a sustainable and highly profitable loop. Experience The experience of continuous commerce must delight at every touch point. Put bluntly, if I buy something online but want to wear it tonight, I expect to be able to pick it up at the store. If they don’t have my size at the store, I expect it to be shipped by the sales clerk at no cost. Of course, I could expect more. I could expect advice before I chose. Hyper- personalized customer service can do that. Hyper-personalized customer service is a pillar of Continuous Commerce. Based on my engagement loyalty, brand interaction and purchasing history, the offer can be personalized to me (versus a simple tiered set of criteria) and provided in a spectrum of ways. The generality, however, is that digital channels have often lagged traditional ones in shopping experience. What research we have undertaken does show considerable dissatisfaction: some 23 per cent frustrated with websites (most of the time) and 25 per cent with mobile apps (most of the time).
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