On the high end of the continuous commerce spectrum is Kindle’s Mayday button, which launches a video chat right in the app. A customer support person is immediately available to “pilot” a user through an experience by manipulating images on screen. Suddenly barriers between intent and action are removed. Imagine the possibilities! A clothing brand, for example, could provide you with an instant fashion consultant as you consider the sartorial requirements of your evening engagement. Often it is systemic issues which are at fault. For instance, as our partner Salman Amin from SC Johnson always reminds us, lots of the systems and processes underpinning an “always-on” commerce experience aren’t actually always on, in the sense that they don’t operate 24/7/365. This won’t do. Brands need to face up to changing working practices and business processes, finding suppliers and services that can support uninterrupted service and creating workarounds for restrictions imposed by the IT system. There are, however, some highly stimulating role models for beautifully delivered