experience. The more effective online shopping experiences (in terms of sales conversions) use multimedia in addition to static content. Video has become commonplace to showcase products. Tools that enable users to zoom in on details, change colours and further customize items are also frequently used. Live chat boxes pop up automatically, giving users the option to ask questions of a real person – not just to read bot boilerplate – to get a better feel for what they may buy. Luxury fashion brands such as Versace take the user experience to a new level, offering scheduled live feeds of runway shows with embedded digital mechanisms to purchase the products the user is viewing (or similar ones). Studies have shown all of these tactics drive up sales. Video is particularly effective. Research by EyeViewDigital.com has shown that 80 per cent of users click on video with fashion content, and that those who view the footage are 1.6 times more likely to make a purchase. For the moment, it appears that “too much of a good thing” is impossible when it comes to multimedia online shopping experiences that are designed and executed well. With augmented and virtual reality moving into ecommerce, consumers are really in for a show, and online sales sites are bound to transform, and perhaps, find the tipping point that turns multiple digital devices into effective sales tools.