rather than circuit switching linear data transfer, like a telephone call. Later develops the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), enabling simultaneous multi-directional data communication among a network of computers – the basis of the internet. “SENDING ELECTRONIC MAIL OVER THE ARPANET FOR COMMERCIAL PROFIT OR POLITICAL PURPOSES IS BOTH ANTI-SOCIAL AND ILLEGAL.” According to a handbook published by MIT, whose AI Lab later hooked into the network. 1971 Students at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MIT arrange a pot sale via ARPANET. Is this the first online sale? The ARPANET users simply arranged a meeting over the network. “THE SEMINAL ACT OF ECOMMERCE” John Markoff, in his book What the Dormouse Said. 1972 The term “personal computer” is coined. Refers to the Xerox Alto, whose graphical-user interface (GUI) provides inspiration years later for Apple Macintosh’s and Microsoft Windows’