Gerber 138, 138 Gilbert, Dan 53 Gillette 105 Goldman Sachs 251 Google 28 AdWords of 28, 141 as archival network 41–2 and content consumption 178 cost of, per person 17 as database of intent 137 and digital-media spend 31 and disintermediation 21 DoubleClick acquired by 29 and Millennials’ search behaviour 138, 138 and non-internet channels 18, 18 as one of digital “big three” 31 and page ranking 28 PC Magazine’s verdict on 28 personalized search offered by 29 revenue of 29 and same-sex marriage 205, 206 and underserved communities 180 and video 40–1, 73 Google Chrome: and ad-blocking software 29 and Arcade Fire video 88, 89 Google Instant 29 Google Now 176, 179 Google Quality Score 145