28 government, as transformation in digital age 197–9, 198, 199 GOV.UK 199, 199 Grace, Topher 117 Grapeshot 23 Graves, Chris 238 Green, Rick 230 Greenberg, Bob 210–16, 210 Greenberg, Richard 211 Grindr, and disintermediation 21 Gropius, Walter 212 Guinness 10, 68 H Haier 265 haptics 158, 160, 160 Haring, Keith 221, 222 Harrison, Steve 118–19 hashtags 166 Heath, Robert 103, 106 Hegarty, John 18 The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell) 116 Hershey 114 Hicks, Jeff 232 Higa, Ryan 146 Higgs boson 117 Holt, Douglas 55–6 Honey Maid 68