Hopkins, Claude 101, 102, 210 HotWired, launch of 28 Howards End (Forster) 143 Huawei 264–5, 264, 265 Huggies 91, 186 Humby, Clive 122 I IBM 10, 58, 59, 59, 112, 117, 117, 118 and CICS 26 and cloud technology 121 and “PC” 27 and SCAMP 27 IBM Newsroom 89 IBM Watson 130, 130 immersive content 82–5 (see also content) Incredible India 200, 201 India: and Ayurveda 263 disproportionate growth in 251 general election in 192 and Indianness 250, 250 less digital advertising stimulus in 249 middle-class consumers in 252–3 and non-internet channels 18 and tourism 201 and velocity 254 Indonesia: disproportionate growth in 251