Thomas, Gareth 68 Thompson Holidays 27 Thompson, J. Walter 51 Thorndyke, Edward 244, 244 3G: debut of 28 growing use of 29 Tiffany & Co. 70 Timberlake, Justin 169 Time Inc. 27 Tin Shed 188–9 Tone 178 Toothbrush Games 158 Toshiba 116, 117 tourism: as transformation in digital age 200–3, 200, 201, 202, 203 and Visit Britain 259, 259 Toyota 57 traditional media, and changing digital ecosystem 34 transformations in digital age 192–209 and government 197–9, 198, 199 and politics 192–5, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 and social responsibility 204–7, 205, 206, 207 and tourism 200–3, 200, 201, 202, 203 Trump, Donald 195–6, 195, 196 “The Truth” 231 Tumblr 209 Turing, Alan 26, 26 TV, rising revenue from 28