Tversky, Amos 238, 245, 245, 246, 246 Twitter 105 and ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 169 and Cadbury 97 launch of 28 and Oreo 36–7, 36 in Philippines 262 and politics 194, 195, 195 and promoted trends and tweets 29 revenue of 29 2G mobile network 27 U Uber 17, 120 and disintermediation 21 Unilever 66, 105, 204–5, 205 Uniqlock 219, 219 UPS 75, 76, 77, 83, 84 UX (user experience) 153–4, 153 V Van Damme, Jean-Claude 113, 114 van Nispen, Jost 266 velocity 251, 254 Vibe 28 Vietnam: disproportionate growth in 251 middle-class consumers in 252–3