and velocity 254 “View from Touffou”, still played 7, 7 Vine 42, 260 virtual, automated and mixed reality 157–61, 158, 159, 160, 161 in author’s predictions 272 Visit Britain 259, 259 Vittel 92, 93 Volvo 113, 114 Vonk, Nancy 44 W Walrus 22 Wang, Leehom 146 Wardah 262 Wason, Peter 244, 244 Watkins, Pearline 44 web advertising: and “banner” ads 28, 28 clickable, first 27, 28 website, judging 138, 140–5 WeChat 166, 174, 257–8, 258 in author’s predictions 272 Weed, Keith 204, 205 Weinberger, David 223 Westheimer, Ruth 78 “What Is Code?” (Ford) 150–1, 151 WhatsApp 166, 258 Wikipedia 169