and front end 153–4 and marketing automation 156, 156 and virtual, automated and mixed reality 157–61, 158, 159, 160, 161 creativity: and art-vs-science debate 101–2 and Digital Revolution 98–119 and ideas 110–14, 113 measuring 102 pervasive 107–10 and stories 115–16 in technology, see creative technology word hated by DO 101 Crispin Porter 230, 232, 233, 234 Crispin, Sam 230 Crockett, Molly 238 customer relationship management (CRM) 7, 31, 147, 172–3 D Dabur 263 Damasio, Antonio 236, 237–8 Damasio, Hannah 236 “dark markets” 263 data: big, cautions concerning 122–3 big, and emotion 186–7 big, first reference to 120 and cloud technology 120–1, 121, 124 as currency of digital age 120–31