Contagious (Berger) 78 content 72–92 in author’s predictions 272 branded 72–5 and Digital Revolution 72–3 eight tips for 95 immersive 82–5 “. . . is King” 72 magnetic 77–82 matrix of 77–92, 77 as misused word 72 organizing for 93–5 practical 88–92 smart 85–8 thinking about 75–6 Content Studios 93–5, 94, 95 continuous commerce: as battleground 180–91, 181, 187 and digitally enabled sales, growth in 182 and emotion 186–7 and experience 190 omni-channel 185–6, 187 and relationship 186–9 Cook, Tim 216 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 62 Cow & Gate 271 creative technology 150–64 and back end 154–7 and code 150–2, 151