says that it, not they, will start driving outcomes. The ability to identify the simple core needs of a project or a mission does usually demand intellectual acuity. It’s ironic, but dunces aren’t great simplifiers. After that it requires a ruthless ability to weed out all that is not necessary – in thinking through it, in processing it and in delivering it. “Is it really necessary?” is the question the parrot on your shoulder has to ask each waking minute. Distilling that aim in the compelling language of lucid simplicity distinguishes the great simplifiers from the merely good ones. The most brilliant agency ever? Designed for Divine Discontent, recruited from history. Here’s whom I chose to run it: SARAH BERNHARDT (1844–1923) The “divine Sarah” of Oscar Wilde, discontent ran through every vein of this actress’s body. She slept in coffins to better project herself into the mood of death. When she was dying, she chose to live on a 5th floor. One of her visitors asked why, and she said, “so that when a man enters my bedroom he’ll still be panting.” That’s the passion that attracts clients. She’s the Client Service Director.

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