C Cabral, Juan 97 Cadbury 96–7, 96, 97 Caesar’s Palace 124 Cailliau, Robert 15, 15 Cameron, David 168, 241 Campaign for Real Beauty 44–5 Campbell, Joseph 116 Cannes 68, 98–101, 100, 101, 106 in author’s predictions 272 Cannes Lions 228, 230 Carter, Calvin 174–6, 178 Centennials 46, 47, 48, 51 Cerf, Vinton “Vint” 15, 15 CERN 117 ChannelNet 27 The Chaos Scenario (Garfield) 34 Chapman, Phil 97 Chen, Joan 146 Chick-fil-a 180 Chicken McDo 261, 262 China: and ad typo 217 and brands 263–5, 264 companies’ conference in 263 disproportionate growth in 251 first international email from 255 and Huawei 264–5, 264, 265