Real-time bidding takes off, enabling real-time buying and selling of ads on a per-impression basis. Winning bids instantly display on publishers’ sites. Auctions mimic exchange mechanisms used in financial markets. It’s a $15 billion industry, projected to grow by 65% by 2020 (Business Insider). Global ad revenue reaches $17.08 billion (70% from mobile ads). accounts for more than half of all ecommerce growth, selling nearly 500 million SKU’s in the US. Yahoo! confirms that it “punishes” users who employ ad blocking by holding back their personal email. 2016 Ad spending on social media campaigns projected by eMarketer to reach $23.68 billion, a 33.5% increase over 2015. US Government formally accuse Russia of state-sponsored hacking intended to interfere with the outcome of the US 2016 election. 2017–2019 By 2017, social media ad spend forecast to reach $36 billion, or 16% of all digital ad spending. Worldwide digital ad spending to grow from $226.7 billion to $283 billion, which translates to 35% and 39% of all media ad spending (eMarketer).