and analogue vs digital 13 and aroma 109 and brands, see main entry bright secrets from 244–5 and changes in advertising 39–40 connectivity as great gift of 48 and content 72–3 and creativity, see main entry data as currency of 120–31 and ghettoization 35, 37 and lessons for leaders 43 primary motivation of 12 and social contract 39 and storytelling 115 timeline of 26–9 transformations brought about by, see transformations in digital age and two-way communication 82 digital video 145–7 disintermediation 21 Domestos 205 Domino’s Pizza 234, 235 DoubleClick 28, 29 Dove 35, 44–5, 44, 58, 59, 59, 82, 101 Dove Men +Care 105 Drax 226 Dunkin’ Donuts 25 E