Eames, Charles 211, 268 Eames, Ray 268 Egypt: disproportionate growth in 251 middle-class consumers in 252–3 revolution in 193 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 12 Ellsberg, Daniel 245, 245 eMarketer 29 Engel, Joel S. 27 Engelbart, Douglas 14, 14 Enigma machine 26, 26 The Epic Split 113, 114 Equitable 222 ethnicity 70–1 Europcar 81, 81 everyday.com 224 Evolution 44, 44 EyeViewDigital.com 190 F Facebook 29, 82–3, 83, 164, 166 and ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 168 in author’s predictions 272 and “The Beauty Inside” 117 and Centennials 51 change in nature of 31 and CRM 31