CHAPTER 6: THE POST-MODERN BRAND 1 Holt, Douglas, ibid 2 Arthur W. Page Society, “The Authentic Experience”, An Arthur W. Page Society Report. CHAPTER 7: CONTENT IS KING; BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN? 1 Charlene Jennett, Anna Cox, et al, “Measuring and Defining the Experience of Immersion in Games”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66 (9): 641-666, September 2008. 2 Jamie Madigan, “The Psychology of Immersion in Video Games”,, 27 July 2010. 3 Robin Sloan, “Stock and Flow”, Snarkmarket, 18 January 2010. CHAPTER 8: CREATIVITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE 1 Tim Broadbent, The Ogilvy & Mather Guide to Effectiveness, 2012. 2 Les Binet and Peter Field, “Marketing in an Era of Effectiveness”, World Advertising Research, 2007. 3 To read David’s great speech, plus a lot more of David’s memorable writing, dip into a copy of The Unpublished David Ogilvy, 1986. 4 Tham Khai Meng in an all-company memo, 2009. CHAPTER 9: DATA: THE CURRENCY OF THE DIGITAL AGE 1 Binet and Field, ibid. CHAPTER 10: “ONLY CONNECT” 1 John Battelle, “The Database of Intentions”, John Battelle’s Search Blog, 2003. CHAPTER 11: CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY: THE SWEET SPOT

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