IS YOUR BRAND READY TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER, FASTER? Reach out to us if you’re interested in: • Exploring a circular approach to your business strategy • Redefining your brand’s core to better portray conscious values • Improving the alignment of your CSR initiatives to your brand’s core 6% Employees and consumers alike will not wait for brands to • Internally and externally communicating how you intend to 6+94M slowly make their way toward making the world better. They make the world a better place of respondents want it now. Employees want to work at purpose-driven from medium and large companies and consumers want to buy from purpose- companies stated that they driven brands. In a marketplace of the future that’s built on operate within a sustainable the exchange of goods and services based on shared values, company that creates shared hanging on the sidelines of corporate social responsibility will value and where the organiza- simply not stand. tional Purpose is well-activated. (60) ―EY 2017 Going forward, brands that embark on wide, ambiguous CSR initiatives that are grounded in short-term appearance goals absent long-term substance will wither. Brands that will take a focused, refined — and yes, in some cases controversial—stand on certain issues will lead. This stand will enable brands to create focused alignment with consumers who truly meet their shared values. Employees and consumers alike will continue to watch and react to what they perceive as aligned or misaligned corporate social responsibility actions, stemming from a brand’s core. 88

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