1984 Apple launches Macintosh with $900,000 Super Bowl commercial that reaches 46.4% of US households. Compuserve launches Electronic Mall in US and Canada, a major step in the development of B2C (business-to-consumer) ecommerce. Mid-1980s In an early form of digital marketing, ChannelNet (formerly SoftAd Group) places reader- response cards in magazines, sends respondents floppy discs with car-model information and test-drive offers. 1992 SMS messaging arrives on heels of 2G mobile network expansion and sharp increase in cell- phone use. 1993 Clickable web ad sold by Global Network Navigator (GNN) to law firm Heller, Ehrman, White, & McAuliffe, linking directly to firm’s website. Questionable whether it was a “clickable banner ad” or just a link. Publishers such as Condé Nast and Time Inc. ramp up website development.