1994 First web magazine, HotWired, launches and becomes first site to provide ad clients with traffic reports, the first internet metrics. Coins the term “banner advertising”, and creates modular spaces on web pages akin to newspaper and magazine pages. Posts the first clickable ad from AT&T. Vibe magazine’s website emerges as a favourite among advertisers. MCI Communications, Jim Beam, General Motors, and Timex pay Vibe $20,000 for homepage ad positioning. Spending for online ads already tens of millions of dollars. CompuServe, AOL and Netscape debut. US government promotes ecommerce by moving web hosting from NSFNET to commercial network providers, including MCI and AT&T. Uptick in digital ad spending the following year due to the transfer of hosting from the government to business. Yahoo! and AltaVista search engines launch. Oregon-based Multi-Media Marketing Group (MMG) is founded, credited with coining the phrase Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO ranking becomes an important measure of the marketing power of a brand. FIRST CLICK-THROUGH BANNER AD “HAVE YOU EVER CLICKED YOUR MOUSE RIGHT HERE? YOU WILL.” AT&T was right: the click-through rate was 44%. Users who took the bait enjoyed a tour of seven museums around the world.