Introduction How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care What defines a safe place to work? As companies move to bring The importance of How will we help employees feel A psychologically safe 37% employees back to the workplace, psychological safety safe to manage circumstances environment leads to resiliency they must pause to consider the that are not yet predictable in teams because they feel: of respondents effect COVID-19 has had on There is the very practical need (as if they ever have been)? ▪ Secure and capable of everyone—leaders, managers and to rethink what it will take to Maybe a spouse is out of work. do not agree that employees. Every individual has keep our teams physically safe Perhaps employees are caretak- changing their company will experienced some level of dis- in this new and changing envi- ing for someone who is ill. What ▪ Free to focus on collective put their health and ruption in his or her professional ronment. New public health if schools and day care centres goals and problem- well-being first in and personal life, and the impact and safety policies established open and then close again as new prevention rather than making decisions cannot be overlooked. For most, at national and local levels will surges of COVID-19 develop? on self-protection about the risk of the adjustments to work, school largely drive safety measures While employees manage the coronavirus and family routines have been for the physical space, company pandemic’s effect on their lives, ▪ Able to speak up about as of April 29-May 1, 2020. significant and ever-fluctuating, procedures regarding meet- we must make work a psycho- unsafe conditions without Forrester Research, Inc., retribution Forrester’s Q2 2020 US requiring constant adaptation ings and gatherings, and rules logically safe place. Studies show PandemicEX Survey 2. that can be exhausting—even if for employees’ personal safety that psychological safety greatly changes feel right. through social distancing and fuels effective and powerfully personal protective equipment resilient teams.† (PPE). But equally important is ensuring psychological safety. † Harvard Business Review, “High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here’s How to Create It,” Laura Delizonna, August 24, 2017. Link → Leading the workforce Harvard Business Review, “Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace,” Amy Edmondson, January 22, 2019. Link → 5

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